
21, Gauri kunj, Gailana road, Agra-282007

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  • Hand to Make Better
    Life for Children

    Every good act is humanity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that
    he does in this world to his fellows.

  • To Feed Children For a Week

    Every good act is humanity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that
    he does in this world to his fellows.

  • A Little Amount Of
    Water Save Life

    Every good act is humanity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that
    he does in this world to his fellows.


As The Name Suggests, TBO Is Indeed The Backbone Of The Society As Well As Nature. Backbone Which Supports Our Existence Needs To Be Firm And The Strongest In Every Aspect, Such As The Team Of The Backbone Organization - Determined, Brave And Hardworking.

Abhinash Bhatt And Aditya Pratap Singh, Two Young Lads Generated The Idea Of Creating A 'Sustainable Environment' For Every Human Being Thus Started This Very Organization From The Ground Level In The Fall Of April 18'. The Two Were Supported By Another Two Friends Saksham Raj Gupta And Vishal Pachauri And Proved The Phrase One And One Makes Eleven! They Boosted Up Very Fast And Gathered A Whole Lot To Create A Team Soon. Read More



Initiated by a youth mob, the team has targeted to pay every duty towards encouraging the youth of city to become aware of the hot topics and environment around them. The team is moving on with a goal to abolish every environmental problem in and out of the city. To sympathize with the country's development, The backbone organization provides a platform to initiate a spark in the youth to identify and showcase their talents.


The backbone organization aims at cultivating a desire to save the environment in maximum people irrespective of their caste, region, class and creed. 'Sustainable environment' is their only dream, they promote judicial use of water and other important non-renewable resources. These primary level notes are taught to everyone but unfortunately only some think to work over them, so give your share and join this movement against negligence to save mother Earth!

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